Heidelberg, Germany
Steffen Syrbe
Steffen Syrbe is a child neurologist and epileptologist at Heidelberg University Hospital and full professor at Heidelberg University in Germany. He leads a research team focused on pediatric epileptology and epilepsy genetics. One of his aims is to further define the natural history of genetic neurodevelopmental disorders and to establish clinical patient registries. His group works closely with multiple German family associations. In cooperation with the German STXBP1 association, his team greatly contributed to the description of the phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of STXBP1-related disorders including more than seventy individuals.
Contact: https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/einrichtungen/sektion-fuer-paediatrische-epileptologie-2098
Heidelberg, Germany
Kim Thalwitzer
Kim Thalwitzer is a medical PhD candidate in the section of pediatric epileptology at Heidelberg University Hospital. Her main interests are the pathophysiology of genetic neurodvelopmental disorders and the natural history of affected individuals. She is involved in numerous studies on STXBP1 Encephalopathy and is in close contact with affected families in Germany.