Genua, Italy
Pasquale Striano
Pasquale Striano is the director of the pediatric neurology and muscular diseases unit at Gaslini Children’s Hospital in Genova, Italy and a full Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Genova, "G. Gaslini" Institute in Italy.
His fields of interest are molecular genetics of idiopathic epilepsies with a special interest in clinical assessment of children with epilepsy and genotype-phenotype correlations. As a board certified neurologist and pediatric neurologist, he has conducted translational studies on different forms of genetic epilepsies and has participated to clinical trials of antiepileptic drugs in patients affected by seizure disorders. He has contributed to dissect the genetics of genetic developmental epileptic encephalopathies.

Genua, Italy
Ganna Balagura
Dr. Ganna Balagura (Università degli Studi di Genova and CNCR Amsterdam) is co-founder of the ESCO consortium, and has been involved in clinical studies and phenotypic data analysis of STXBP1 patients for many years. She is an MD PhD with broad interest in neurodevelopmental disorders, with research focus both at the bench and at the bedside. She is partner of the Italian STXBP1 families association.